浪花男子POP UP STORE「なにわのにわ(NANIWA no NIWA)」

  • taipei
  • seoul
  • hong kong

Naniwa Danshi POP UP STORE

"なにわのにわ (NANIWA no NIWA)", the POP-UP STORE of the artist group "Naniwa Danshi" was held in Tokyo and Osaka in 2021, and now it's coming to Asia!

The limited-time POP-UP STORES will be held in Taipei, Seoul, and Hong Kong during the concert "Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha' ". Don't miss out if you are interested!



January 18, 2025 (Sat) - January 27, 2025 (Mon), 10 days in Total


No.616, 6F, Hong Kong Times Square

Store Hours

January 18 (Sat) to 23 (Thur) and January 27 (Mon) from 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM
January 24 (Fri) from 12:00 PM to 9:30 PM
January 25 (Sat) to 26 (Sun) from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM

  • ※ Free admission
  • ※ Reservation required

What’s New!

Special Extended Time Slots

January 24 (Fri)20:00-20:30、20:30-21:00、21:00-21:30
January 25 (Sat.) – January 26 (Sun.)20:00-20:30、20:30-21:00、21:00-21:30、21:30-22:00

How To Make Reservations

Reservations open on January 18 (Sat.) at 12:00 PM (Hong Kong Time) via the Klook system.

  • 30-minute sessions, Five minutes before the end of each session, the venue will be cleared.
  • Guests in the venue are kindly asked to follow staff instructions and proceed to the cashier area for checkout to allow a smooth transition to the next session.
  • Please carefully read the instructions before making a reservation.
  • If you wish to change your reservation to another time slot on the same day after completing the booking, you must cancel your current reservation before making a new one.

■ How To Make Reservations
Reservations open on January 8 (Wed) at 15:00 PM (Hong Kong Time) via the Klook system. Please read the following notice and click the button below to proceed.

  • To attend this event, a reservation is required. Please read the following information carefully and click the banner below to make a reservation.
  • Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis and each section has a limited number of spots available. Once a section is fully booked, reservations will be closed, However, if there are any cancellations, the system will automatically release the spot.
  • All attendees must present a valid reservation QR code for entry. Each QR code can only be used once.
  • Entry is only permitted on the date and time specified on the QR code.
  • The QR code is non-transferable and can only be used by the person who made the reservation. It cannot be reissued, so please keep it safe.
  • The store accept payments in cash (local currency) and various credit cards.
  • Please check in with staff at the entrance at least 10 minutes before your reserved time.
  • Each time slot is limited to 25 minutes. For smooth event operation, please follow the instructions of onsite staff. If the venue is crowded, crowd control measures may be implemented. Please line up in an orderly manner. Re-entry is not allowed once you exit the venue.
  • After enjoying the event and purchasing products, please exit the venue as instructed by the staff.
  • Food and beverages are not allowed inside the venue. Please consume purchased drinks outside the store.
  • Event rules are subject to the official website and onsite announcements. The organizers reserve the right to modify, extend, or terminate the pop-up store.

Merchandise Information

Clear file folders HKD 45

Acrylic keychains HKD 95

Sticker sets HKD 60

Badge set HKD 75

Bandana HKD 75

Dessert-shaped soap HKD 75

Clear file folders (1 group version, 7 individual versions) HKD 45
Acrylic keychains (7 individual versions) HKD 95
Sticker sets (7 individual versions) HKD 60
Badge set HKD 75
Bandana HKD 75
Dessert-shaped soap (7 versions) HKD 75
Purchase instructions
  • Each item is limited to a maximum purchase of 2 per person.
  • The organizers reserve the right to change the purchase quantity limits.
  • Products are limited in quantity and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis until out of stock


Limited-edition drink at the Hong-Kong Pop-Up Store!

「728 Soda Cafe」Special Drink Mango Pomelo Sago HKD 40

Purchase instructions
  • Each item is limited to a maximum purchase of 1 per person.
  • Receive an original coaster with your drink purchase.
  • Ingredients include coconut milk, mango puree, water, agar, and coconut milk.
  • Products are limited in quantity and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis until out of stock.


No.616, 6F, Hong Kong Times Square

1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

  • MTR Causeway Bay Station, Exit A


2021年曾於東京、大阪兩地盛大舉辦的浪花男子POP UP STORE
「なにわのにわ(NANIWA no NIWA)」,將要跨海來到亞洲囉!

隨著「Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha'」演唱會即將到來,
台北、首爾、香港三地也將舉辦期間限定的POP UP STORE,有興趣的你千萬別錯過!





香港時代廣場 6樓616號舖


1月18日(六)~23日(四)及27日(一) 12:00-20:00
1月25日(六)~26日(日) 10:00-22:00

  • ※入場免費
  • ※事前預約制

What’s New!




1月18日(六)香港時間12:00起 Klook系統開放

  • 晚場加開時段為30分鐘一梯次。
  • 晚場將於每時段前5分鐘進行清場。場內客人請依照現場工作人員指示,進入收銀結帳區等待結帳,以便下一時段客人入場。
  • 請詳閱注意事項後進行預約。
  • 若您已經預約完成後,要更改為同一日的其他時段,須先取消之後才能夠再次預約。

■ 行前預約

  • 本活動採全預約制,請詳讀預約頁面之注意事項後,點擊下方按鈕進行預約。
  • 每場次皆限額進行,名額額滿後將無法再預約該場次,敬請選擇其他未額滿之場次。若有預約取消,系統則自動會釋出該時段名額。
  • 所有入場人士必須持有效的預約QR Code方可入場,預約QR Code只可使用一次。
  • 只能於預約QR Code上所示的日期及時間內入場。
  • 預約QR Code僅限預約者本人使用, 無法補發,請妥善保管。
  • 現場可使用現金(當地貨幣)、信用卡結帳。
  • 請於預約時段前10分鐘至門口報到,離場後無法再次入場。
  • 最後入場時間為19:30,超過時間恕無法入場。
  • 每場次為限時25分鐘。為確保活動品質,請遵守現場工作人員指示。若人潮眾多將實施管制,請依序排隊等候。一旦離場就無法再度進場。
  • 完成參觀或購物後,請依工作人員指引離場。
  • 全場禁止飲食。購買特調飲品請於場外飲用。
  • 活動規定以官網及現場公告為主,主辦單位保留修改、延長或終止活動的權利。


透明文件夾 HKD 45

壓克力鑰匙圈 HKD 95

貼紙組 HKD 60

胸章組 HKD 75

頭巾 HKD 75

甜點造型肥皂 HKD 75

透明文件夾(團體1款、個人7款) HKD 45
壓克力鑰匙圈(個人7款) HKD 95
貼紙組(個人7款) HKD 60
胸章組 HKD 75
頭巾 HKD 75
甜點造型肥皂(7款) HKD 75
  • 每款商品每人限購2個。
  • 主辦單位保留更改購買數量限制的權利。
  • 商品為限量販售,售完為止。



「728 Soda Cafe」特調 楊枝甘露 HKD 40

  • 飲品每人限購1瓶。
  • 購買飲品贈送原創杯墊一個。
  • 原料成分內含有椰奶、芒果果泥、水、寒天、金柚。
  • 飲品為限量販售,售完為止。


香港時代廣場 6樓616號舖


  • 地鐵Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣站 A出口即達


2021年曾於東京、大阪兩地盛大舉辦的浪花男子POP UP STORE
「なにわのにわ(NANIWA no NIWA)」,將要跨海來到亞洲囉!

隨著「Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha'」演唱會即將到來,
台北、首爾、香港三地也將舉辦期間限定的POP UP STORE,有興趣的你千萬別錯過!





汝矣島現代百貨 5樓 POP UP ZONE



  • ※入場免費
  • ※需憑入場整理券進場

What’s New!

■ 致期待「NANIWA no NIWA in ASIA」浪花男子快閃店的各位(2024年12月31日更新)

韓國哀悼期間,原定於1月4日開幕的「NANIWA no NIWA in ASIA」浪花男子首爾快閃店,將延期至1月5日開幕。對於此次不幸事件,我們深表哀悼。


■ 當日預約(2024年12月24日更新)

為了方便無法透過NAVER系統事前預約的顧客,POP UP STORE現場提供當日預約服務。




The Hyundai首爾 5樓 Epic Seoul


  • 請使用會場前設置的自助服務機(Kiosk)進行預約。
  • 預約時需登記顧客本人電話號碼或電子郵件地址。
  • 系統將根據登記順序,透過SMS或電子郵件通知入場時間。請於時間內再次前往會場報到入場。
  • 等待時間可能因當日的擁擠程度而有所變動,敬請見諒。
  • 當號碼被呼叫時,若未在場,預約可能被取消。
  • 根據現場情況,當日預約服務可能會中止,敬請見諒。

■ 行前預約

  • 本活動採全預約制,請詳讀注意事項後,點擊下方按鈕進行預約。
  • 每場次皆限額進行,名額額滿後將無法再預約該場次,敬請選擇其他未額滿之場次。若有預約取消,系統則自動會釋出該時段名額。
  • 預約方法與相關事項將於近日公開。請耐心等候。
  • 請於預約時段前10分鐘至門口報到,離場後無法再次入場。
  • 週一到週四最後入場時間為19:30、週五六日與國定假日最後入場時間為20:00,超過時間恕無法入場。
  • 為確保活動品質,請遵守現場工作人員指示。若人潮眾多將實施管制,請依序排隊等候。一旦離場就無法再度進場。
  • 完成參觀或購物後,請依工作人員指引離場。
  • 全場禁止飲食。
  • 活動規定以官網及現場公告為主,主辦單位保留修改、延長或終止活動的權利。


透明文件夾 KRW 7900

壓克力鑰匙圈 KRW 16900

貼紙組 KRW 10500

胸章組 KRW 12900

頭巾 KRW 12900

甜點造型肥皂 KRW 12900

透明文件夾(團體1款、個人7款) KRW 7900
壓克力鑰匙圈(個人7款) KRW 16900
貼紙組(個人7款) KRW 10500
胸章組 KRW 12900
頭巾 KRW 12900
甜點造型肥皂(7款) KRW 12900
  • 每款商品每人限購2個。
  • 主辦單位保留更改購買數量限制的權利。
  • 商品為限量販售,售完為止。



「728 Soda Cafe」特調飲料 KRW 7500

  • 飲品每人限購1杯。
  • 購買飲品贈送原創杯墊一個。
  • 原料成分內含有水梨果汁、木槿花茶、藍柑橘糖漿。(無酒精飲品)
  • 飲品為限量販售,售完為止。



首爾市永登浦區現代百貨首爾 108 號

  • 地鐵9號線汝矣島(Yeouido)站3號出口,步行約10分鐘
  • 地鐵5號線汝矣渡口 (Yeouinaru) 站1號出口,步行約7分鐘

Naniwa Danshi POP UP STORE

"なにわのにわ (NANIWA no NIWA)", the POP-UP STORE of the artist group "Naniwa Danshi" was held in Tokyo and Osaka in 2021, and now it's coming to Asia!

The limited-time POP-UP STORES will be held in Taipei, Seoul, and Hong Kong during the concert "Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha' ". Don't miss out if you are interested!



January 5, 2025 (Sun) - January 15, 2025 (Wed), 11 days in Total


5F EPIC SEOUL, The Hyundai Seoul


(Mon~Thu) 10:30AM~20:00PM (Last time to enter 19PM)
(Fri~Sun & Public Holidays) 10:30AM~20:30PM(Last time to enter 19:30PM)

  • ※Free admission
  • ※Reservation required (Details will be announced once confirmed)

What’s New!

■ Notice of Postponement for the Opening Day of "Naniwa no Niwa in ASIA" Seoul POP-UP STORE (Updated on December 31, 2024)

We would like to inform everyone eagerly looking forward to the Naniwa Danshi Pop-Up Store.
In solidarity with the national mourning period, the opening of the "NANIWA NO NIWA" pop-up store, originally scheduled for January 4th, has been postponed by one day and will now begin on January 5th.

We express our deepest condolences for the recent tragedy and kindly ask for your understanding regarding this change.
For customers who had made reservations for January 4th, please feel free to visit on your preferred date and time. Simply present your canceled reservation details, and we will be happy to assist you with entry.

■ On-site Reservation Guide (Updated : December 24, 2024)

For customers who have difficulty using the NAVER system for advance reservations, same-day reservations are available on-site at the POP-UP STORE.If you wish to enter without an advance reservation, please visit the site on the day of your visit to complete your registration!

Registration Schedule

January 5 (Sun) ~ January 15 (Wed), 2025 (11 days)
Monday~Thursday : 10:30 AM - 20:00 PM (Last entry : 19:00 PM)
Friday~Sunday & Public Holidays : 10:30 AM - 20:30 PM (Last entry : 19:30 PM)

Registration Location

The Hyundai Seoul, 5th Floor, Epic Seoul
(In front of the "NaniwanoNiwa in ASIA" event venue)

How to Register

  • Use the kiosk set up in front of the venue to complete your registration. You will be required to provide your phone number or email address for the registration.
  • Entry times will be notified via SMS or email in the order of registration. Please arrive at the venue at your designated entry time.
  • Waiting times are subject to change depending on the crowd conditions on the day. Thank you for your understanding.
  • If you are not present when your number is called, your reservation may be canceled.
  • Same-day reservations may close early depending on the situation. We appreciate your understanding circumstances.

■ How To Make Reservations
Reservations open on December 20 (Fri) at 12:00 PM (Taipei Time) via the NAVER system.
Please read the following notice and click the button below to proceed.

  • To attend this event, a reservation is required. Please read the following information carefully and click the banner below to make a reservation.
  • Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis and each section has a limited number of spots available.Once a section is fully booked, reservations will be closed, However, if there are any cancellations, the system will automatically release the spot.
  • The reservation opening date will be announced at a later time. Please wait for further updates.
  • Please check in with staff at the entrance at least 10 minutes before your reserved time.
  • Admission may be a little later than the pre-booked admission time because advance reservation confirmation is required when entering. Thank you for your understanding.
  • The last entry time is 19:00PM from Monday to Thursday and 19:30PM from Friday to Sunday & public holidays. Please note that entry will not be allowed after the designated entry time.
  • Re-entry is not allowed once you exit the venue.
  • For smooth event operation, please follow the instructions of onsite staff. If the venue is crowded, crowd control measures may be implemented. Please line up in an orderly manner.
  • After enjoying the event and purchasing products, please exit the venue as instructed by the staff.
  • Food and beverages are not allowed inside the venue.
  • Event rules are subject to the official website and onsite announcements. The organizers reserve the right to modify, extend, or terminate the pop-up store.

Merchandise Information

Clear file folders KRW 7900

Acrylic keychains KRW 16900

Sticker sets KRW 10500

Badge set KRW 12900

Bandana KRW 12900

Dessert-shaped soap KRW 12900

Clear file folders (1 group version, 7 individual versions) KRW 7900
Acrylic keychains (7 individual versions) KRW 16900
Sticker sets (7 individual versions) KRW 10500
Badge set KRW 12900
Bandana KRW 12900
Dessert-shaped soap (7 versions) KRW 12900
Purchase instructions
  • Each item is limited to a maximum purchase of 2 per person.
  • The organizers reserve the right to change the purchase quantity limits.
  • Products are limited in quantity and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis until out of stock.


Limited-edition drink at the Seoul Pop-Up Store!

「728 Soda Cafe」Special Drink KRW 7500

Purchase instructions
  • Each item is limited to a maximum purchase of 1 per person.
  • Receive an original coaster with your drink purchase.
  • Ingredients include pear juice, hibiscus tea, and blue curaçao syrup (non-alcoholic).
  • Products are limited in quantity and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis until out of stock.


Hyundai Department Store Yeouido, Seoul

108, Hyundai Department Store, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul

  • Subway Line 9: Yeouido Station, Exit 3, about a 10-minute walk
  • Subway Line 5: Yeouinaru Station, Exit 1, about a 7-minute walk

Naniwa Danshi POP UP STORE

"なにわのにわ (NANIWA no NIWA)", the POP-UP STORE of the artist group "Naniwa Danshi" was held in Tokyo and Osaka in 2021, and now it's coming to Asia!

The limited-time POP-UP STORES will be held in Taipei, Seoul, and Hong Kong during the concert "Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha' ". Don't miss out if you are interested!



November 23, 2024 (Sat) – December 8, 2024 (Sun), 16 days in total


Huashan 1914 Creative Park, W4 Camphor Refinery of Huashan Brick Lane

Store Hours

11:00 AM – 7:00 PM

  • ※Free admission
  • ※Entry requires a timed admission ticket
  • ※Further details about the entry method for the Taipei POP-UP STORE and in other cities will be announced once confirmed.

What’s New!

Special Extended Time Slots

November 29 (Fri) – December 2 (Mon)

How To Make Reservations

Reservations open on November 26 (Tue) at 6:00 PM (Taipei Time) via the Mogily system.

  • 30-minute sessions, with 6 slots available.
  • Special Soda will not be available during the extended time slots.
  • Five minutes before the end of each session, the venue will be cleared. Guests in the venue are kindly asked to follow staff instructions and proceed to the cashier area for checkout to allow a smooth transition to the next session.
  • Please carefully read the instructions before making a reservation.
  • If you wish to change your reservation to another time slot on the same day after completing the booking, you must cancel your current reservation before making a new one.
  • To attend this event, a reservation is needed. Please read the following notice and click the button below to proceed.
  • Each section has a limited number of available spots. Once a section is fully booked, reservations will no longer be available for that section. Please select another section with open availability. If a reservation is canceled, the system will automatically release the spot.
  • The reservation system is scheduled to open on 11/15(Fri)at 12:00. Entry will be allowed daily in order of check-in sequence during the pop-up store. If you do not complete a reservation in advance, entry cannot be guaranteed.
  • Please check in at the entrance 10 minutes before your reserved time. Re-entry is not allowed after exiting.
  • The last entry time each day is 18:30. If you miss this time, entry will not be possible.
  • To ensure the quality of the store, please follow the instructions of the onsite staff. If the venue is crowded, we may implement crowd control measures. Please line up in an orderly manner.
  • Please follow the guidance of pop-up store staff.
  • No food or beverages are allowed inside the venue.
  • Event rules are subject to the official website and onsite announcements. The organizers reserve the right to modify, extend, or terminate the pop-up store.

Merchandise Information

Clear file foldersNT$170

Acrylic keychainsNT$370

Sticker setsNT$230

Badge setNT$290


Dessert-shaped soapNT$290

Clear file folders (1 group version, 7 individual versions) NT$170
Acrylic keychains (7 individual versions) NT$370
Sticker sets (7 individual versions) NT$230
Badge set NT$290
Bandana NT$290
Dessert-shaped soap (7 versions) NT$290
Purchase instructions
  • Each item is limited to a maximum purchase of 2 per person.
  • The organizers reserve the right to change the purchase quantity limits.
  • Products are limited in quantity and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis until out of stock.


Limited-edition drink at the Taipei Pop-Up Store.

「728 Soda Cafe」Special DrinkNT$160

Purchase instructions
  • Each item is limited to a maximum purchase of 1 per person.
  • Receive an original coaster with your drink purchase.
  • Ingredients include butterfly pea syrup, peach jam, boba, and sparkling water.
  • Products are limited in quantity and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis until out of stock.


Huashan 1914 Creative Park, W4 Camphor Refinery of Huashan Brick Lane

No.1,Bade Road Sec.1,Zhong Zhen District,Taipei 100

  • Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station Exit 1
  • Shandao Temple Station Exit 6


2021年曾於東京、大阪兩地盛大舉辦的浪花男子POP UP STORE
「なにわのにわ(NANIWA no NIWA)」,將要跨海來到亞洲囉!

隨著「Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha'」演唱會即將到來,
台北、首爾、香港三地也將舉辦期間限定的POP UP STORE,有興趣的你千萬別錯過!



2024年11月23日(六)~ 12月8日(日) 共16天


華山1914文化創意產業園區 西4館


11:00 ~ 19:00

  • ※入場免費
  • ※需憑入場整理券進場
  • ※有關台北以外其他場次的活動概要,將於確定後另行公告。

What’s New!




11月26日(二)台北時間18:00起 mogily系統開放

  • 早場加開時段為30分鐘一梯次,共6梯次。
  • 加開早場時段恕無提供特調飲品。
  • 早場將於每時段前5分鐘進行清場。場內客人請依照現場工作人員指示,進入收銀結帳區等待結帳,以便下一時段客人入場。
  • 請詳閱注意事項後進行預約
  • 若您已經預約完成後,要更改為同一日的其他時段,須先取消之後才能夠再次預約。
  • 本活動採全預約制,請詳讀注意事項後,點擊下方按鈕進行預約。
  • 每場次皆限額進行,名額額滿後將無法再預約該場次,敬請選擇其他未額滿之場次。若有預約取消,系統則自動會釋出該時段名額。
  • 入場將於11/15(五)12:00開放預約,展期內每日按該時段預約報到順序入場。
  • 請於預約時段前10分鐘至門口報到,離場後無法再次入場。
  • 每日最後入場時間為18:30,超過時間恕無法入場。
  • 為確保活動品質,請遵守現場工作人員指示。若人潮眾多將實施管制,請依序排隊等候。
  • 完成參觀或購物後,請依工作人員指引離場。
  • 全場禁止飲食。
  • 活動規定以官網及現場公告為主,主辦單位保留修改、延長或終止活動的權利。








透明文件夾(團體1款、個人7款) NT$170
壓克力鑰匙圈(個人7款) NT$370
貼紙組(個人7款) NT$230
胸章組 NT$290
頭巾 NT$290
甜點造型肥皂(7款) NT$290
  • 每款商品每人限購2個。
  • 主辦單位保留更改購買數量限制的權利。
  • 商品為限量販售,售完為止。



「728 Soda Cafe」特調氣泡飲料NT$160

  • 飲品每人限購1瓶。
  • 購買飲品贈送原創杯墊一個。
  • 原料成分內含有蝶豆花糖漿、水蜜桃果醬、珍珠、氣泡水。
  • 飲品為限量販售,售完為止。


華山1914文化創意產業園區 西4館

100 台北市中正區八德路一段1號

  • 忠孝新生站(板南線/新蘆線) 1號出口步行約3分鐘
  • 善導寺站(板南線) 6號出口步行約5分鐘